Friday, February 5, 2010

fooled ya!

So, when I said that I was going to be posting again, I actually meant that I'll rarely be posting. That's what it seems like, anyways, but I will try to do better. I finally got around to ditching all of the other contributors on this blog, except for the original two (me and DrX). Sorry folks, but y'all have also gone almost a year without posting anything. This makes you useless to me! You were suppose to provide filler while I was busy! I forgive you all though.

If any of you have been paying attention, spammers have seemed to taken over the comments a bit. Fight back! The spammers may take up our comment space and annoy us, but they'll never take... OUR FREEEEEEEEDOM! That is for the government to do.

What to look for in the future: Since I have a completely uninteresting life, I require certain shticks to post regularly. In the past these have included Mummy Hitler and a talking Panda of some sort (not a very fleshed out character). There will probably be more of this unless suddenly my real life becomes interesting (don't count on it). If anyone wants to see more of something we've done in the past, let me know.

Ok, so this has been another update blog post that has accomplished nothing! Yay!


Mikey OOO said...

How about you finish the wildlife battle royal tournament you had going on. that seemed interesting.

Also, how about a running diary one day for the NCAA tournament? Or maybe those are only interesting if people actually read your blog???

Kris said...

I think that most of the people who read the blog will be together for the first weekend of the tournament, at least those very interested in teh NCAA tournament.

phishbone23 said...

I was in this blog in the beginning too douche.....screw this blog!

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
