Thursday, January 22, 2009

Commence with the fighting

Can we please go back to the great battle of the animals that we had before. I think it was one of the mlost posted and visited postings we have had yet. So I say, "Commence with the fighting of the living, till only 1 creature is alive!!!"


Scholander said...

Mikey, you and I could not agree more. This site is dead lately. So, I will take over the battle of the beasts, though I can't promise any flashy animations...

kevthegreat said...

Yes, I know, I'm a horrible person for neglecting the blog. There are 5 other posters here that can take up the slack, though.

DrX, what did you have in mind for the battle of the beasts?

phishbone23 said...

I thought we lost the battle due to software concerns??

Scholander said...

Sorry, I forgot I said I'd do this. Life is busy... I just meant that I'd post the matchups, and a poll if I can figure one out. Then roll the dice to determine the winner. No animations though.
