Sunday, January 11, 2009

My inspiration for the last painting

This story from the BBC:

Juan the Andean spectacled bear first paddled across a moat using a log for a raft, then scaled a wall.

Finally he appeared to commandeer a bicycle, before zookeepers with brooms cornered him, and a colleague picked him off with a tranquiliser gun.

Bears on bicycles friggin rule.


phishbone23 said...

I'm curious about the bear's colleague that pick him off with tranqs...

kevthegreat said...

What's cooler: bears stealing bikes, or bears who can shoot tranquilizer guns?

Scholander said...

The coolest is a pack of bears driving motorcycles with monkeys on the side car shooting tranquilizer guns. Come on.

Now there's a painting.

phishbone23 said...

Nah, gummi bears with uzi's rappelling down to a barge from the golden gate bridge as a secret spy team is best. Actually had that dream btw....Oh, and did I mention that I was part of the team? And we were getting locked and loaded in a moving limo just before jumping out of its windows and transitioning into the rappelling stunt. Wonder what I ate to have that dream???

Dougee said...

I think bears that smoke cigarettes and carelessly drop hot matches in a forest are the coolest.
