Friday, May 2, 2008

Is Hugh Hefner a Pologimist???

That's all, just a question. I illicit your responses Bacon eaters


kevthegreat said...

He's not married to anyone, is he? Why would you get married if you have 3 hot girlfriends?

Mikey OOO said...

Well my thought is that because he lives with all 3 girls, and they all know about each other, it's poligamy without the marriage.

kevthegreat said...

Polygamy, in a legal sense, refers to being married to more than one woman, I believe. You can live and sleep with as many people as you want.

Anonymous said...

Hef is married to someone, but they are seperated.

Scholander said...

No, he is not. There is no such thing as a PolOgimist.

kevthegreat said...

Ooooooooh! That'll teach ya for pointing out my typos!

Scholander said...

Also, you hope to elicit (not illicit) our reponses, I presume.

kevthegreat said...

Jeez, DrX seems to be in a bad mood... I think someone needs to participate in an eating challenge!

phishbone23 said...

Our responses could be quite illicit...
