Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our prayers are with you...

If I ever become very ill or injured, please don't pray for me. Get off your ass and actually do something to help, eh? Is there a bigger nonstarter than prayer? It's pretty obvious that prayers aren't for the people to which they are directed, but rather to the prayer. Oh, it makes you feel so much better that you did something to help, doesn't it? You took a few seconds out of your busy schedule to ask your imaginary friend to make me better! You, sir, are a hero! No need to bother visiting me, comforting my family and friends or helping me pay my medical bills. You prayed for me! Gee, that's just swell.

You know, if there actually were a God, I bet It would be pissed that people always shove all their problems on him. I imagine It would want you to take responsibility and solve your own damn problems and make your own fucking decisions. You're going to anyways, because if there is a God, It does absolutely nothing to influence your life. So you'll take something natural as a sign, and do whatever the fuck you want anyways. So, cut out the middle-man, and just say no, to prayer.


Mikey OOO said...

What were you watching at 1 A.M. to get you on this rant???

kevthegreat said...

I was reading about Senator Kennedy and how we should all include him in our prayers, as if that is actually doing something.

phishbone23 said...

Geez man....argumentative lately??? First you start a film fight. Now you're trying to invoke a religion fight. What's next....politics?? You seem to already have a good segue here. Let's not make this Batter Fried Broken Record.

kevthegreat said...

It just annoys me, that's all. People can pray all they want, I don't give a fuck. But don't say you're praying for me, or ask me to pray for anyone else. It's a completely hollow gesture. Anyways, stop being a pussy, Fish. Arguing is one of the few things that makes this blog interesting.
