Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ok, so I have been without power for over a week now and I have been "sitting alone in my 4 cornered room staring at candles", literally (reference to the dude above). Now , I was wondering if what I was doing last night would be considered crazy. I was commentating for my own solitaire game. Not just one commentator, but two (a color guy, and a play-by-play guy complete with different voices). Is this crazy for me? If not, I am interested to know what you all think would be crazy actions by me. Feel free to comment.
(forgot where I found picture, sorry)


Scholander said...

I couldn't say if this behavior is crazy FOR YOU, but crazy is, by definition a relative term. Solitaire color commentary is potentially crazy, depending on what you said.

kevthegreat said...

Was the color commentary telling you to burn down the neighborhood, or to eat the liver of your enemies? That might be a little crazy, but otherwise, I think you're just bored as hell.

Mikey OOO said...

You are crazy man sorry. How did your place make out?

phishbone23 said...

Well, the pics will come soon...but we did have some damage. BTW, I still have no power. That makes 8 straight days in Houston for me along with one day in Louisville to make the grand total of 9 straight days without power in the place that I sleep and shower. I should take some pics of my scruff, cuz I have a good beard goin. X, the color commentary was mainly about my trends and how I must be feeling when a certain card shows up and stuff like that. Obviously, he could only make educated guesses as to how I was feeling, since he is not a mind reader. When they interviewed me after my winning game, I made sure to thank God.

phishbone23 said...

If you all want to muck around on the website, a good place for damage pics and stuff is:

I know the bailout of Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae is waaaaayyy too important to be bothered by disaster victims, but just in case you're bored....

kevthegreat said...

Dude, keep the beard! We can be beard buddies!

Mikey OOO said...

I think you are already butt buddies so you'll do well together

Mikey OOO said...

I think you are already butt buddies so you'll do well together

kevthegreat said...

Thanks for the emphasis, Mikey. Reading that comment twice makes it so much more believable.

phishbone23 said...

Thanks for the emphasis, Mikey. Reading that comment twice makes it so much more believable.
