Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's Monkey Wednesday!



phishbone23 said...

Its like a young King Louie and Shere Khan.....

Scholander said...

Kev, was it you that I had the conversation with about animal gladiatorial pits? I vaguely remember a conversation about "monkey with a knife" vs a black bear...

Maybe we need to have an imaginary animal combat tournament. Let's randomly seed a ladder, and we can try and find any internet evidence about how the fight might go. I propose these competitors:

- Monkey with a knife
- Chimpanzee
- Gorilla
- Grizzly Bear
- Polar Bear
- Tiger
- Lion
- Crocodile
- Rhinoceros
- 5 midgets (no weapons)
- hmmm... ok help me out. need 6 more.

And in true fighting game style, we'll randomly select an arena:
- The Roman Coliseum
- A jungle, with trees and some marsh
- Thunderdome
- An abandoned factory
- Others?

What do you think? Animal Arena!!

kevthegreat said...

More animals:

- Bunny
- Talking horse
- Shark

More venues:

- Sea World pool
- Antartic glacier
- The Pit from Army of Darkness
- A jail cell

Scholander said...

I thought about shark, but without a guarantee of water in each arena, then it's a foregone conclusion, and thus no fun. Same with Bunny.

Talking horse is interesting, presuming it has human-level intelligence. Or else it's just "Durr...I kin haz carrit." I tried to keep things in the realm of plausability. But ok.

kevthegreat said...

You're on the wrong blog if you're looking for plausability. This tournament will be seeded based on killing prowess. We need the 15 and 16 seeds, thus the bunny and the shark. The shark might get lucky and pull a water arena. You never know. And don't underestimate the bunny.

kevthegreat said...

And, of course the horse, is super smart, for a horse. It's Mr. Ed smart, at least.

kevthegreat said...

My last comment was an abomination of commas...

kevthegreat said...

Also, we should add a Romero zombie to the mix.

Scholander said...

Meh. Ok. Bunny and shark are fine as placeholders, but I think we can do better. Romero zombie is good, but clearly a 14 seed.

Scholander said...

- Bull
- Batman (unarmed and without utility belt)

Scholander said...

And ok, if it's the bunny from Holy Grail, then that's a different matter. That's in.

kevthegreat said...

I don't think Batman belongs. He's Batman. Even without the utility belt he's guaranteed to win.

Scholander said...

OK. Then we need one more participant.

kevthegreat said...

A walrus?

Scholander said...

OK. That's pretty cool. Still gonna lose in a non-water arena. But let's see what happens!

Scholander said...

Any idea of free software to make a interactive competition ladder? It'd be nice if we could keep an image up on the front page. There must be something out there for NCAA stuff, or something.

So the final tentative list is:

1 - Monkey with a knife
2 - Chimpanzee
3 - Gorilla
4 - Grizzly Bear
5 - Polar Bear
6 - Tiger
7 - Lion
8 - Crocodile
9 - Rhinoceros
10- 5 midgets (no weapons)
11- Bull
12- Talking horse (average human-level intelligence)
13- Zombie (Romero type)
14- Shark
15- Walrus
16- The bunny from Holy Grail

1) The Roman Coliseum
2) A jungle, with trees and some marsh
3) Thunderdome
4) An abandoned factory
5) Sea World pool
6) Antartic glacier
7) The Pit from Army of Darkness
8) A jail cell (10' x 10')

Any changes?
