Here's the debate thread for our next competition. It is a crocodile vs. a Romero-style zombie. This should be an easy victory for the croc, in my opinion. Anyone want to debate for the zombie?
UPDATE: The arena for this event is the jungle. Poll up to the right --->
Hmm. I'm not so sure that this is a foregone conclusion. Crocodiles are practically scavengers. To hunt live prey they grab them and drag them down and hold them under the water until they drown. That obviously won't happen with a zombie. The zombie is going to be biting and fighting the entire time.
The question is, is there any way that a zombie could kill a crocodile? Because if there's a way, I think it will have all the time in the world to get it done.
How thick is a croc's hide? Can a zombie bite through? Rip a hole in its stomach with its hands?
More research required... TO THE INTERNET!!
Here's something:
"Adults approach a swimming animal from under water and drag it down until it drowns. Crocodiles do not chew their food; if their prey is too large to be swallowed whole, they grasp it with their teeth and twist their bodies in order to tear chunks of flesh from it."
So, a croc may just rip a zombie to shreds. If he were to grab the zombie by the head to start, it would be all over quickly.
I think the question is, would eating a zombie be poisonous to a croc? If a mere bite is enough to kill a human, would it do the same to a croc? Could we be looking at a double fatality?
Aren't zombie's already dead? How can you destroy a zombie? Wouldn't it just re-generate or something. I guess I am not too familar with zombies, and there are so many types. What is a Romero style zombie? Since the zombie use to be human, couldn't it pick up a gun or knife or something. I kind of like the zombie.
OK, Mikey. You've never seen "Night of the Living Dead"? "Dawn of the Dead"? (The original one, not the remake, though that one is very good too, just not Romero.)
Romero zombie rules:
-- Only destruction of the brain will "kill" them.
-- A bite or serious scratch can pass a disease to a victim that will kill them slowly and painfully over several days. There seems to be no treatment.
-- All dead humans will rise (unless the brain had been destroyed), and the reasons why are unexplained.
-- The undead desire only to feast on the flesh of living humans. I don't recall any animals being eaten by zombies in a Romero flick.
-- The undead seem to retain some rudimentary tool using skills, and seem to have very fuzzy, shadowy memories of their life, though only in a functional sense and not apparently emotional (ie they don't seem to recognize people they knew in life).
-- There are no zombie animals.
Did I miss anything?
I don't think there's any evidence of the zombie death disease killing an animal in a Romero movie. So that's a good question.
You're probably right though. I read now about Crocs tearing shit up, and it's going to have a field day with a zombie.
Oh yeah, and zombies don't run.
So here's what I am thinking. The croc will destroy the zombie. However, the zombie has a chance to slowly poin the croc and therefore killing him before he can reach the 2nd round of fights. Thus agreeing to Kev's remark about a double fatality. Luckily, this would help with a previos post concerning where can we fit in a Kangaroo. So we rule this a double fatality, and the Kangaroo moves into the second round. Maybe it'd be even better if we could get a video of the kangaroo being the ref for this battle.
P.S. - What is the location for this fight? Can a croc survive long periods of time outside of water?
Yeah, good point. Might need the arena to help make this decision.
Just rolled for the arena of this matchup and it came up jungle. The croc gets home field advatage.
I think until an animal finds a way to blow up a zombie, that the zombie will win due to its poisonous type of effect....
Guys, we don't know if the zombies can poison a croc. It's speculation. Like DrX says, you never see zombie animals in Romero flicks. Maybe animals are immune to the crazy zombie disease/poison.
zombie can't die, its already dead. the gator will die if it eats the zombie or the zombie eats it. I have been waiting for this day, because I think the zombie is going to spread like a virus throughout the brackets and win. Unless the maybe the midgets make it. i thought there were zombie dogs btw....
Zombies can be "killed" by destroying the brain. A croc would rip a zombie to shreds anyway. Eventually it would get to the head. I don't see the zombie winning. The only question is whether the croc would be poisoned by eating the zombie.
I've only seen Land of the Dead once, and haven't yet seen Diary of the Dead, which is also GAR Dead canon. Maybe there's an answer we don't know. So, I've posted the animal versus zombie question at a Romero fan site. Maybe we'll get somebody with some insight.
I don't recall this question being answered in Diary of the Dead. Who is voting for the zombie? Explain yourself. How am I wrong here?
Which zombie movie is the one where there is a dog zombie? Coulda sworn that one of the people got bit by a cujo-like dog and went zombie. But maybe I'm wrong.
Whatever it was, if it had zombie dogs it wasn't a Romero flick. Every zombie movie has its own zombie rules, juts like every vampire and werewolf movie does. We chose the George Romero ruleset - it's the first, best, and most widely known.
The "Return of the Living Dead" series, which is actually technically also a series of sequels to the original Romero "Night of the Living Dead", probably had zombie dogs. There were all kinds of dumb nonsensical shit in those. Culminating in hot zombie chick in Return 3. Bleh.
OK. Further thought. The Romero experts at can't think of instances where zombies even attack and eat animals. Maybe our zombie wouldn't even bother to fight the croc.
The question of whether zombies are toxic to crocodiles is almost certainly unanswerable. I'm going to say that because crocs have very robust digestive systems, frequently eating rotted meat, that it has as a fine chance of surviving after eating a zombie. The croc will not die, and will not become undead.
Croc wins. And that's it.
I seem to recall in Night of the Living Dead a zombie eating insects from a tree or something. I have that image in my head for some reason, but that doesn't mean it's real.
Also, in the beginning of Day of the Dead, there is a living crocodile in a city infested with zombies. It's obviously unknown if the croc had been eating zombies, or if it had wandered into town a few minutes prior. But clearly, it was living just fine. Zombies are PROBABLY not toxic to crocs.
Oh, yeah, man. You're right. There was a scene in Night where a zombie picks something out of the bark of a tree and eats it.
That's right! I forgot about the gator in Day of the Dead! The croc would totally win.
How do we know that the gator wasn't already zombified? I mean does anyone have any knowledge of what an "already natural predator" looks like when it is searching for flesh?
Dude, there is no way that animals can be zombies. There would have been zombie animals all over the place in the films.
DrX, you make a great point, but I don't think we wanna open the box on "the zombie won't fight argument". There are lots of weird matchups in this tourney and lots of instances where it would be crazy to see these things fighting naturally. I think we have to take it as "they signed up for the prize, hence there is a motivation to succeed".
Oh Kev, you may know the answer to did the zombies spread to the island in Dawn of the Dead. I could have sworn there was an idea of an animal spreading it. However, it may have been the thought that I had after watching it in which I said, "this would have been cooler if it did happen". senility at its finest.....
Oh wait....Resident Evil had zombie dogs.
Phish, "zombies on the island" is in the Dawn of the Dead remake. Which is not by George Romero, so it doesn't count. That film is pretty close to Romero rules, but with the huge key difference in that the zombies can run and jump and are very mobile.
In the original '60s Dawn the survivors do escape to a tropical island in their helicopter and apparently live happily ever after.
Also, as far as zombies getting onto an island... zombies don't need to worry about drowning, so water is not a barrier to them at all. They could have just walked there. Lakes and rivers, and even oceans, are not effective zombie barriers, so when the zombie apocalypse comes, don't rely on them.
If zombies attacked, I'd build a kick ass tree house, and you're all invited!
I am all alone in California. Drinking my bottle of wine...I miss Dan....
Ummm, I don't see what that has to do with zombies or crocodiles...
It has nothing to do with it, but you revoked my posting abilities, so I used the forums as I could. You know if you gave me posting abilities I could write about living in CA...
Meh, we already have DrX to tell us about living in Cali. That and I really don't want to hear about biking ever again for the rest of my life.
He was in southern CA, not northern. Totally different. And I really wasn't even thinking about biking.
Zombie Phishbone23 misses the brains of Kris as well....
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