Sunday, October 19, 2008

I can't be stopped!

Another boring day, another video!


phishbone23 said...

Maybe I'm nuts...but the lefthandedness was a little lacking. Good one though!

kevthegreat said...

HAHAHA! I just realized that it looks like I was using my right hand. I was filming myself in the mirror, but I assure you it was my left hand!

becky said...

Is it weird that I laughed for the entire 2:42 and want to watch it again?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, where are the boobs?

kevthegreat said...

Hookers cost too much...

Scholander said...

I, too, enjoyed this more than is warranted. What was the background music?

kevthegreat said...

It's "Johnny Was" by the Stiff Little Fingers, which I believe is a cover of a Bob Marley tune.

kevthegreat said...

Man, if film editing were this easy when I was a kid, I'd be famous by now! Or something...
