Saturday, October 18, 2008

My first short film

Seeing as how I am bored and I own a fancy new camera, I now present to you my first short film:


phishbone23 said...

That bacon wasn't done yet....not crispy enough!!!

kevthegreat said...

Fuck you! That bacon was perfect!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, where are the boobs?

kevthegreat said...

All of the nudity and pyrotechnics were left on the cutting room floor. I felt those scenes distracted from the overall message of this film, which is, of course, bacon is tasty and delicious.

Mikey OOO said...

I can't believe I just spent 2 minutes watching that. Also, your hands move fast. Almost looks like it was in fast forward. Like the production though

kevthegreat said...

The video is at 3x speed. I figured 8 minutes of frying bacon would be a little too much...

becky said...

Phish is right, totally undercooked.. Soggy bacon, gross!

Scholander said...

No way. Soggy bacon is the way bacon is supposed to be. If you can't wiggle the bacon, it's overcooked.

kevthegreat said...

Look, the bacon was only soggy because it was covered in hot grease. Once it cooled and the grease was removed it was perfectly crispy, and not burnt. It was perfect.
