Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Discussion

This blog isn't going to work without a semi-active community of posters and commentators. I don't mind making a majority of the posts, but we at least need some people contributing in the comments. So, in an attempt to make this happen, we will be having a semi-weekly post to try and foster some discussion in the comment section. Please contribute! This is a safe place! This week's discussion:

What do you want to see from this blog? Strictly entertainment? We have 3 guys who are deeply involved in various scientific industries writing here. Would it be interesting to hear about some of that? Any ideas for regular themed posts?


Scholander said...

OK. Here's a comment. You need readers before you'll get commenters...

You'll note that I talk big about posting, but I am also very very lazy. I started one... it just wasn't going to be very good.

kevthegreat said...

I was more referring to you and Fish making comments than any persons that may stumble upon the site. If you don't feel like posting just make a comment on something I posted. Give me some encouragement or I'm just going to stop writing again.

Deibounom said...


I subscribed to your blog's rss feed many years ago and I'm glad you're back.

I think it's important that you post stuff you feel like sharing, as long there's some fun and weirdness as in the good old days.

Scholander said...

You got it. I'll try and contribute regularly.

kevthegreat said...

Yay! The rat got his cheese!
