Saturday, June 23, 2007

New Banner

Do you guys like it?


Scholander said...

Not bad. Whats' the statue on the right?

kevthegreat said...

It's Roger Bacon. Clever, eh? I figure it's fitting for a blog with 3 scientist types.

phishbone23 said...

Banner = good + a constant

kevthegreat said...

Now we just need visitors. We've had one visitor outside of Houston, Sand Diego or Raleigh. If you get bored, click the sitemeter button on the right side of the page. You can see where everyone is visiting from. It's pretty boring right now though.

kevthegreat said...

Sand Diego? I of course meant San Diego, unless they really have changed the name. If that's the case then I stand by my previous spelling.

Scholander said...

By the way, the banner could be bigger. It should take up the exact amount of space as the text-containing field (including the right-side links).

kevthegreat said...

