Sunday, April 27, 2008

A cooler, sleeker Kevin

I went and shaved off all my hair today. It was just getting way to long and the weather is beginning to get rather hot down here. So, after shaving off all of that hair, I felt it was a complete waste to just throw it out and I decided I should do something with the leftover clippings. I gathered all of them together and glued them to an ant. Now I have the hairiest ant in the world! What is the point of that, you may ask... Well, now I am going to take my ant to the fair where he will win the prize for greatest thing on the face of the Earth and will become famous world wide. I will not take credit for the ant's success, however. I will leave it all for my insect friend and be happy that he has made a better life for himself. Short hair in the summer months is reward enough for me.


Megan said...

Is there a connection between glueing hair to ants and attracting crazy women??? Perhaps you should rethink your hobbies.....

kevthegreat said...

I'm not crazy, I'm creative!
