Wednesday, April 16, 2008

They're coming to get you Barbara...

It's official, I'm booked to make a trip to visit DrX over Memorial Day weekend. So, what's it gonna be DrX? What fun and exciting times do you have planned for us? It's Rhode Island, after all, the funnest place on Earth!


Mikey OOO said...

I thought Dr. X lived in Cali?

kevthegreat said...

Used to. He moved to RI a few months ago.

Scholander said...

I don't know. What do you like to do?

kevthegreat said...

Party with prostitutes!

Mikey OOO said...

That is true. I've got plenty of stories from Canada surrounding why they call him Kev The Great

Scholander said...

Ew. Um...I don't think we have prostitutes in Rhode Island.

phishbone23 said...

Go visit James Woods High in Quahog.

Megan said...

Didn't you both get enough partying with prostitutes at the bachelor party? They were even Mexican prostitutes. Can't really top that, can you?

kevthegreat said...

Well, what do you guys do for fun up there? I don't really care what we do. If I get bored I can just torment the baby.

Scholander said...

That's what we usually do. She likes to fly around the house and chase cats.

When I'm not tormenting the baby I read about science, or play video games. Maybe I can get you addicted to WoW...

God damn. What have I become? Oh wait, that's what I always used to do. Except with more drinking.

kevthegreat said...

Yay drinking! Hey DrX, you got an opinion of the Conan game coming out next month? It looks pretty sweet. I figure that might be one I could get into more than WoW.

Scholander said...

I didn't know anything about it. It looks pretty, cool style. Hard to say whether or not good visuals will translate into a solid game. The Star Wars MMO looked great too, and that thing sucked because they screwed up the feel of the world, and had tons annoying glitchy quirks that were irritating.

It's very difficult to balance an MMO, and Blizzard has had millions of players and several years to make WoW an incredibly well crafted and playable game. And deep. It's like a frigging onion, that game. The more you play, the more there is to it.

If you're that interested in Conan, sign up for the beta. There's a link on the main page. Maybe you can still get in, and you'd get a chance to try for free.
