Thursday, June 19, 2008

Let's get this bitch rolling!

The rules are: there are no rules. Well, almost no rules. Everyone who is involved in this contest just make one post between now and Monday. On Monday a poll will be put up on the front page of the blog and the poster to get the least number of votes will be booted. This will repeat until we have one person left. Four posters enter, one poster leaves! Good luck all! Feel free to post on anything you want, just remember this is a popularity contest, so if you want to win, I wouldn't post about something lame like kickball or riding bikes. I'm just saying!


Mikey OOO said...

Is BG in? I don't see him as a blog contributor. And I'll try to stay away from the fact that Kris is talking about going down on Fish, which no one wants to read, see, or know about

kevthegreat said...

Yeah, I sent BG an invite last night. Check your hotmail account BG.

Kris said...

Actually I was thinking about making him chicken wings and fries in our deep fryer at home. Mikey, get your mind out of the gutter.

Mikey OOO said...

I know Fish. He doesn't eat fries. He's Atkins crazy. Man you move to Houston and now you guys deep fry everything. I gotta find me a girl so I can eat deep fried food and not care. hahaha j/k

Mikey OOO said...

And I think Hitler's Mummy is Kev. It's just another name for him to use and pretend he is someone else. Raleigh must be driving you whack-O

kevthegreat said...

Who's gonna be the first to post something? Let's try to keep it somewhat spread out. Should I assign days for people? Or do you guys prefer to post whenever? I just don't want to get 4 posts on Sunday night and nothing before then. The point of adding more posters is to get a more consistent stream of posts.

kevthegreat said...

I can neither confirm nor deny the identity of Mummy Hitler. I guess we'll all just have to wait until he posts something.

phishbone23 said...

Mikey, I think you subconsciously want to go down on me, hence your gutter thoughts.

kevthegreat said...

Oh, I have a good idea! Whoever get's the most votes in the first round gets to choose a blog topic for the second round that everyone must write about. I also reserve the right to change more rules in the future.

Mikey OOO said...

I know what I am going to write about. I will try to post either Friday night or Saturday morning. I think I'm just going to post why I should be the new (but still use to be a blogger) blogger. that ok? Or should I just blog on something?

kevthegreat said...

Dude, post whatever you think will get you votes.
