Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ok Kev, here is a post for you.

For those of you who don't spend hours of your day checking the latest cycling news websites, Tom Boonen (generally kick ass cyclist, who ass may be seen here) tested positive for cocaine in an out of competition drug test on June 10th. He has since been disinvited from the Tour de France (TdF), but that was a decision by the governing body of the TdF (the ASO). However his current team continues to stand by him (although the team he was in negotiations with has discontinued them) and is trying very hard to get the TdF organizers to relent.

What I find amusing is that the UCI (the cyclist union) will likely do nothing about this incident because:

anti-doping officials say the rider will not face suspension since use of the drug is not specifically banned except in competition.

The reason why this is so amusing is because at the same time Boonen takes only a slap on the wrist (and not even from the UCI) the UCI has instated a rule that any rider whose biological tests return even slightly questionable values will not be allowed to start a race:

“Under the new “no start” rule, riders may be prevented from starting a race for a period of 15 days if blood test results show an anomaly compared with values recorded previously in the biological passport.”

In some ways this all makes perfect sense, but it is still kind of amusing that you can have your career taken away from you for getting a blood transfusion (2 year suspension for doping), or better yet be fired from your team and pulled from the yellow jersey (first place) in the TdF for failing to tell someone where you are at all times, but have very little punishment (even from the law) for using an illegal drug out of competition. I’m not saying I disagree with how things turned out. I don’t want cycling full of doping and I don’t really care what the people do in their spare time, but I just find it interesting that people are trying to clean up the image of cycling and don’t take a stand on out of competition drug use.


Mikey OOO said...

I got drunk and tried to ride 3.1 miles through Albany. It was really hard. I'll never dope again before I bike

kevthegreat said...


Kris said...

Ugh, Kev? Really. You said you wanted a post and I wanted a chance to post a link to Tom Boonen's ass while talking about sports at the same time. :) Besides Phishbone23 approved it before I posted it.

kevthegreat said...

If you're going to write posts about things I don't care about, at least make them pretty. I'll fix it for you, so you can see what I mean.

Kris said...

Thank you Kev, now how did you do that?

Kris said...

Does this mean that you don't want to be daily updates starting July 5th on the TdF??

kevthegreat said...

Just use the text editor that is included in the posting command. When you copy over from Word or whatever, things get screwy. The blogspot editor has everything you need in it's toolbar to create links and use quoteblocks.

Kris said...

Thank you very much for that information. I will make sure that my posts in the future are, if not more interesting to you, then at least prettier.

Mikey OOO said...

Does this mean Fish gets to post abotu Jenny Finch's ass or Gabby Reese's ass, or any other hot female athletes?

Anonymous said...

Did I really get subjected to information on a dude shooting things in his ass and riding a bicycle?
I could come up with some more interesting and creative stuff than that.
I mean someone should be exploring the evolution of the Kevin in North Carolina and his adaptation to the Southern women before looking at a picture of some guys ass.
If your gonna show a guys ass picture could you at least post 100 hundred pictures of hot chicks asses to keep down the gay quotient.

Kris said...

I thought the video of Boonen's ass was amusing because it was a Belgian commercial for a cycling helmet not because it showed his ass (not really his best feature in my opinion). But just to balance things out I found a couple of links for BG and Mikey. BG, is this better?


Or just do an image search for Liz Hatch and Vanderkitten.

Kris said...

There is a great close up of her ass here: http://vanderkittenliz.blogspot.com/2008/03/like-i-said.html

just scroll down a bit. :)

Scholander said...

Heh. Let's all razz the new guy! The new guy likes asses! Hah hah!

Kris said...

New girl.

kevthegreat said...

Oh no, now BG wants to post? We have too many posters around here, and yet I'm pretty much the only one who posts anything regularly. Maybe we should make this a competition. Hmmmmm, now I have an idea... I'm post about it.

Scholander said...

Don't bring your gender issues into this, kris. The internet is anonymous. Until somebody posts your naked ass.

Kris said...

Then why new guy and not new person?

Scholander said...

Kris is a boy's name, even if you spell it kewl.

Kris said...

And yet, I am not a boy.
