Monday, August 13, 2007


The polls finally seem to be working again! This means that, once and for all, we can determine The Greatest Living Director in a completely scientific survey of the blog's readers who obviously speak for the rest of the world. I will post a bio of the fourth and final director tonight or tomorrow and then put up the poll! Yay!


Megan said...

I vote that you select Robert Altman as the fourth greatest director of all time. Dan LOVES Robert Altman and is especially fond of Prarie Home Companion....

kevthegreat said...

Sorry, too late! I already had half of the post written for the fourth contestant. Robert Altman would have been good though. I mean, you must be a great director if you don't really even have a script for any of your movies, right? It doesn't make the movies suck at all!

kevthegreat said...

By the way, this is The Greatest Living Director. Robert Altman supposedly died last year. It may be a conspiracy, though...

phishbone23 said...

I agree Kev, but remember, David Lynch supposedly just lets his actors act, then puts the film's like some sort "happening". I say this after reading info on Inland Empire.

kevthegreat said...

Do you watch a David Lynch film for the quality of dialog and the continuity of story that a good script gives?

D.W. Griffith didn't work with a script either. Of course all his best films were silent...
