I really believe I have reached my creative apex with that last post. Once you've illustrated the pope being sodomized by a butterfly holding a bible, there is really no further peak to reach. I am at the top of the mountain and it's only downhill from here. So bear with me, folks, for this blog will never again reach such heights of ingenuity. Pretty soon I'll probably just be posting pictures of kittens doing people things. Hahahaha, that kitten looks like an accountant! That's comedy gold!
Sarcasm about kittens dressed up like accountants is so cliche....get original!
God damn it, it's started already!
Let's lay off the accountant jokes there boys. Just cause I can do it, doesn't mean a butterfly or caveman could do it. How about a butterfly physicist. HAHA THERE!!! Oh snap
Hmmmmm, Butterfly Physicist... I like the ring to that.
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