Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rolling along

It is getting a little crowded with sausage in this blog. The female veiwpoint is one that, I believe, should be added to our small community of bloggers. Now, I'd like to give this decision the illusion of democracy, so in the comments, let's hear from our current contributors (DrX, Phishbone and Mikey) their opinions on whether we should invite Megan to be a fellow poster. Megan, feel free to make an argument for your candidacy in the comments.


Mikey OOO said...

OK With me. I think a couple of females is a good thing as long as they know their role.

kevthegreat said...

OK, so Megan doesn't really want to join right now. I guess we have enough bloggers as it is.

Mikey OOO said...

Why were you asking then? Now I want a female contributor. Kev you gotta find one now and she has to live in the midwest. It's the only region we haven't really covered yet (we have Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and West).

kevthegreat said...

I'll do my best. We actually don't have West any more. DrX moved to Rhode Island, so we have an East Coast bias.
