There seem to be a goal of anti-smoking TV commercials to scare you out of smoking by showing disgusting images. This is all well and good, I suppose, but when you see the same commercial of a guy smoking through a hold in his neck about 500 times in one day, you kind of become desensitized to it. Now when I see this commercial I find myself thinking, "Eh, I don't think it'd be all that bad to live with a hole in my neck. I mean, it's a great conversation starter. Plus, if for whatever reason, you lose the ability to speak you can get one of those voice synthisizer things that you hold up against your throat and then you can sound like a robot. How cool is that? I want to sound like a robot! Maybe I'll take up smoking!"
Then I realize that I am considering taking up smoking in hopes that I get cancer and need a hole in my neck and a voice synthesizer thing to speak, just to show people that it's pretty cool to have to talk like a robot. That's usually when I change the channel...
Dude, you can probably get one of those voice-box things without having cancer. Check ebay.
Yes, but I wouldn't feel like I had earned it.
Those thing used to make me cry when I was 2 years old.
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