Friday, February 15, 2008

Film trivia

There have been two movies that were at the time X-rated that have been nominated for Oscars. One actually won. Can you name those films? Winner gets a prize.


Scholander said...

Well, Midnight Cowboy was the winner. Was Clockwork Orange X-rated? I think it's that. Megan says it's something else, and that I'm wrong. I restrained myself from Googling it, so that should count for something.

kevthegreat said...

Nope, but a very good guess. When released in the US an edited version of "A Clockwork Orange" received an R rating. It wasn't released in the US with an x-rating before nomination. You are right about Midnight Cowboy, though. And you are in the correct era for the second film.

kevthegreat said...

You know, I actually can't find a consensus of whether A Clockwork Orange was released with an X-rating or not. You might be right. The truth is that the Oscar nominations were for the unedited version, I imagine, so I'll give you a prize anyways. So, there is a third movie, that was nominated for a couple Oscars that was rated X upon it's release, and a second prize available.

Scholander said...

Well, I looked up the answer. The way you phrased the question is a little misleading, as it wasn't a Best Picture nomination. If nobody answers by tomorrow, I will claim my second picture, as I liked the first one so much.

kevthegreat said...

I just said they were nominated for Oscars, I didn't say which ones. As a hint to others, the remaining film was nominated for best director and best actor, but won neither.

Megan said...

HaHa!!! Last Tango in Paris!!! I knew it! Although I admit to checking Wikipedia to find the name of the film because I couldn't remember it. I don't want a prize. Just am excited that I knew a piece of film trivia.

Megan said...

HaHa!!! Last Tango in Paris!!! I knew it! Although I admit to checking Wikipedia to find the name of the film because I couldn't remember it. I don't want a prize. Just am excited that I knew a piece of film trivia.

kevthegreat said...

So excited you had to post it twice! What do you want a picture of Megan? You want to be a superhero, too? For anyone who cares, here's a link to an interview with Maria Schneider, the gorgeous female star of Last Tango. It seems everyone was miserable making that film...

Scholander said...

Megan said it was a Russian movie. I told her Dr Zhivago was not rated X. Congratulations.

kevthegreat said...

Yeah, after they cut out the orgy scene, Dr. Zhivago squeezed by with a PG rating...

Megan said...

Dan is ignoring huge components of this conversation, like me saying that Dr. Zhivago was not the movie I was thinking of. As all of Dan's elementary school teachers wrote on his report cards. "Dan has difficulty accepting that he is not always right."

kevthegreat said...

Speaking of good Russian films, let me recommend the movie Stalker to everyone out there. Great great movie.
