10:09 What can I say? Giants win. Giants. Win. Super Bowl Champs.
9:58 Still 29 seconds and 3 timeouts for the Pats. I don't know about a TD, but a FG will tie it. First ever overtime in a Super Bowl? Maybe...
9:56 PLAXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:52 WHAT A FUCKING PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:51 This is getting fucking ugly!!! Come on!!!!!!
9:39 It's ok, we're last to get the ball. A TD will win it. I have faith in Eli. Win it for us, baby!
9:31 Wes Welker needs his leg broken. He's killing us.
9:27 Giants always make it hard on themselves. The Pats aren't going the rest of the game without scoring. We need another TD!
9:16 Wow! The Giants have a chance to put it away here! Defense is playing great! That's and understatement. The E*Trade baby is annoying as hell. DrX, look at not being to see the commercials as a good thing. They all suck.
9:12 Is James Carville really in a commercial? And did they actually try to pass him off as a democrat? I don't know which one is more sad. But I'm not sad, because the Giants are up 10-7, baby!!!!!
9:07 Kevin Fucking Boss! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! You do my name proud, buddy!
9:03 By the way, I've been yelling profanities louder and louder as the game has progressed, so don't be surprised if I disappear for a while and end up calling one of you guys for bail in a bit.
9:01 That was a quick quarter. Giants HAVE TO SCORE!!!!!!!! Put it away, you douchebags!
8:58 This is fucking ridiculous. The second play of the drive should have been intentional grounding and, thus, a safety. Refs seem to be favoring the Pats a bit here. Come on Giants! Crush these fuckers!
8:49 E*Trade is now encouraging underage trading of stocks and bulimia with their commercial. Good! Why not?
8:47 Well, we keep sucking when we get close. But a good punt by Feagles. The defense may have to score for us to win this game...
8:45 Great catch by Toomer for a first down despite getting hit early on the play. Giants are driving again! Gotta score!
8:42 I have not seen the Giants defense be this dominate all year. It is impressive. By the way, DrX, you may be the only person in the country listening to the Super Bowl on the radio. If you call in to the station, they may let you call a play or two!
8:33 Ugh.... Just gave New England the ball back. Awful. That may have cost the game.
Here's another post for the Super Bowl!
Crap. Biased refs.
It was actually the right call. He wasn't off the field in time. Fucking sucks, though.
Yeah, but I can't see it, so I choose to believe bias.
I just downloaded the Iron Man commercial. Did they play that yet? Looks pretty cool. Too bad I never get to go to the movies anymore.
Yeah, it looked pretty cool. We'll see. I don't know how good of a choice for a super hero Robert Downey Jr. is...
He's a good choice for Tony Stark - billionaire genius alcoholic. It'll work.
That sounded close...too bad.
Man, with the spread I'd be feeling pretty good about a bet on the Giants. And if I had the under I'd be ecstatic...
Sweet. Here's their chance.
Did we lose phishbone23?
why didn't we just give saddam and osama coca-colas back in the day???
You guys are talking about TV. I'm a sad panda...
one thing to note for the rest of the game....how long it takes for a forward progress whistle with the giants on offense.
DrX, what is the "sad panda" line from? I can hear it in my head, but I can't think of where it came from...
Sexual Harassment Panda, from South Park.
Yes! Thank you. That's some old school humor, right there.
Crap. This looks bad...
Plenty of time. Eli is the man.
You have faith in Eli? Eli Manning?
best commercial so far was the victoria's secret.
I'm Willy, the "Don't Stare Directly Into The Sun" Worm. Now, you boys know not to stare directly into the sun, right?
Oink oink! Be sure to run around with scissors, says Oinky, the "Run Around With Scissors" Pig.
Hey, kids! I'm Jimmy, the "Don't Hold On To A Large Magnet While Someone Else Uses A Fan Nearby" Falcon!
Hello, kidsh, I'm Happy, the "Don't Do Stuff That Might Irritate Your Inner Ear" Badger.
Holy crap. They might get this...
God damn. Can they hold them?
Interception woulda been nice...
I love the live blog. I was going to suggest it for the Siena game if they play in the NCAA Tourney. I'm going to hype this blog up big time
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