OK, Kevthegreat. I need a bio for our lab's website. I don't want something serious, so please use your...creativity...to come up with something interesting (though not entirely vulgar) that I can submit. And I seriously will use whatever you come up with.
Try and capture the essence of how we grew up.
How long should this be?
Are there any bios up now? Just wondering if there is any kind of format I should follow.
Nah, it just says who I am, where I went to school, what I'm currently researching. Normally not very interesting. I want something ridiculous.
please remember that Dr. X is looking for a job and that potential employers may see this website. Posting a ridiculous bio when looking for a job is just about the stupidest idea ever
Ok, so the bio needs to be impressive, then. I will write a few up this weekend and give you a choice.
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