Sunday, July 1, 2007

The great ponderous question

What is the best way to break up with someone? Is it honesty? Is it the "it's not you, it's me" route? Is it faking your own death and moving to Mexico? Is it making a post on your blog and hoping they stumble across it? It is the question of the ages...


Scholander said...

Depends. Why do you want to split?

kevthegreat said...

Why not? I need a reason now? I'd prefer to be alone than with her. That sounds harsh, though.

Scholander said...

Is this somebody in NC, or are you doing some kind of distance thing?

If it's NC, you haven't been together long, so no harm with "I don't think this is going to work. It's been fun, but see ya."

If it's distance it's easy too. "I'm in a new place, and I think I need time to adjust. I like you, and we'll keep in touch, but I don't want a relationship now." And then you won't keep in touch.

phishbone23 said...

I would just cut the hand off.....

kevthegreat said...

It was an NC girl, and it's all done. I did the "let's be friends" thing. We'll see how that goes. I don't really know anyone else down here, so hopefully the friends thing isn't too terrible.

Anonymous said...

Try this: "I'm sorry but the sex is REALLY BAD." or if that's premature: "The IDEA of sex with you turns my stomache." I've found them both effective and unlikely to promote further contact. :)

kevthegreat said...

Bad sex as an excuse doesn't work as well for guys. I can't really say "I've been faking it!". In the words of the great Powder (who stole it from somewhere, I'm sure) "Sex is like pizza; Even when it's bad, it's still good."
